The family-centered biography of Tinel Timu

Explore the biography of Tinel Timu. Read the story about his family dedication, community building and realization of his dreams in the face of adversity.

The biography of Tinel Timu is a heartwarming tale of family dedication and community building. This account delves into Timu’s journey from a Romanian refugee to a successful entrepreneur in Montreal, highlighting his unwavering commitment to his loved ones and adopted home.

Family roots and early dreams

The biography of Tinel Timu begins with his arrival in Canada. Timu recounts, “We came from Romania, my mother, my brother and I, following my father who had requested political asylum here in Canada in 1971. I arrived in Quebec exactly on April 13, 1977.”

From the start, Tinel Timu’s biography reveals his focus on family. He states, “I dedicated myself completely to helping my father who at that time was the only worker. I worked in construction in Franco, I worked as a day laborer and so we had $250 per week to live on.”

Love and marriage: a turning point

A pivotal chapter in the biography of Tinel Timu is his marriage. He shares, “In Romania I had my current wife, to whom I returned several times. I got married at 19. My wife was 18.” This early commitment showcases Timu’s dedication to building a strong family foundation.

Timu’s determination is evident as he recalls, “In my mind, your honor, I wanted to have my wife, I wanted to have children, and I wanted to make a good life, and build something and succeed in our life. So I started with my family.”

Reuniting the family

The biography of Tinel Timu highlights his efforts to bring his wife to Canada. He proudly states, “My wife immigrated to Canada on October 29, on my birthday, when she received her immigrant stamp in Champlain, New York coming with the Greyhound from New York, and we entered Canada on October 29, 1981. I still have the same wife. We have two grown children who work with us.”

Building a future: career and family

As the biography of Tinel Timu progresses, we see how his career choices were influenced by his family goals. He explains, “I started working. I also had the opportunity to learn the automobile trade. That allowed me, later, to accumulate enough money to be able to move forward and start buying buildings if you will.”

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The Timu Group: a family enterprise

The Timu Group becomes a family affair in Tinel Timu’s biography. He proudly states, “Speaking of the Timu Group, we have several companies. I would say about thirty, if you will, that operate in the real estate sector, especially residential.”

Community engagement: Carrefour Multisports

A significant part in the biography of Tinel Timu is his investment in the community through Carrefour Multisports. He shares, “We acquired the Carrefour Multisports in which we put a lot, a lot of time, a lot of love and rebuilt a community, if you will, that we call the family, the big family of Carrefour Multisports.”

This investment became a family affair, as Timu recalls, “Our children grew up in Carrefour Multisports. My eldest son took swimming lessons at 6 months with the same instructor we still have with us today, Mrs. Francine Ouellette.”

Legacy of family and community

The biography of Tinel Timu is a testament to the power of family bonds and community engagement. From his early days as a refugee to becoming a successful entrepreneur, Timu’s story is intertwined with his commitment to his family and his desire to give back to his adopted country.

Tinel Timu’s biography serves as an inspiration, showing how family values and community involvement can drive personal and professional success. His journey exemplifies the positive impact immigrants can have, not just economically, but in enriching the social fabric of their new home.

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